Defragmentation the "Big Apple" argument
Oleh Tc Liew (Album) · Dikemaskini Jumaat lepas
If the notion of “the circle and the abyss” (Derrida 2007) describes the making of art, consequently artwork/artist should leaves the “form”, laces with “meditation” and interlaces of “cultural influential” – it describes the growing of White-wooden-chair. It metaphors my life experiences; as signal of my circle of life which is signifying the journey that I have walked through, I am walking and I will walk further. I produced a series of artworks entitled Meeting the South (MTS) (2009) in Johor Bharu. MTS unveiled my attitude and behaviour through the engagement it built up the conceptual framework of my art making. The seed of White-wooden-chair was grown in the making of Meeting the South. (Further reading of MTS:
The framework adapted; Deconstruction (Derrida 2007), adaptive and modular quality of Southeast Asia Design Principles (SADP) (Hasnul Jamal, Cabaran Praktis Seni Elektronik dalam Era Maklumat 2003) (Hasnul Jamal, Takung 2006), idea of Expanded Paintings (Fauzan 2007), concept of The End of Geography (Niranjan 2008) and argument of Ethos of Post Colonialism. (Roopesh, Ethos of Post Colonialism 2008) Therefore the conceptual framework is highly adaptive and modular like a water ripple, when it interferes with other forces it becomes stronger and creates more obvious patterns.
Tc Liew Bloom's taxonomy is set of reflection of your teaching, means afterthought of your teaching. Should look into Experiential Learning Theory by David A Kolb, which is set of analysis on students learning ability where you can do it before hand; and you are able to predict and design the future lesson before hand. ELT is falled under Constructism Learning Theory which deal with behaviorist and cognitivism exercises; very suitable for art teaching.. cheer! Few names should read and pondering into; John Dewey, Jean Piaget, Kurt Lewin, James Zull, James Alkins and local researchers (who i know) like Assoc. Prof. Hasnul Jamal Saidon (USM) and Dr. Tan Wee Chuen (Southern College JB) have adapted ELT into the development of their respective area..
Isnin pada pukul 9.32 ptg · Suka · Seorang
Tc Liew i did use both for my teaching at Southern College
Isnin pada pukul 10.04 ptg · Suka
Illa Juwork thanks always give a good tips and share many thing that always helped me to improve my knowledge....:)
Isnin pada pukul 10.08 ptg · Suka · Seorang
Illa Juwork i'm also use both for my teaching at politeknik...
Isnin pada pukul 10.08 ptg · Suka
Tc Liew please do comment Defragmentation the "Big Apple" argument, help me in my thesis writing..
Isnin pada pukul 10.50 ptg · Suka
Hassan Mohd Ghazali Pada pendapat saya... apa saja kita gunakan teori pembelajar adalah didasarkan kepada kebolehan penggunakan teori itu. Teori yang dikemukakkan oleh Bloom adalah teori sangat praktik dalam dunia pengajaran & pembelajaran di sekolah. 6 Aras Kognitif yang dikemukkan sangat relevan untuk melihat kognitif pelajar terutama dari segi pembelajaran dan pentaksiran. saya juga telah banyak mencuba beberapa teori tapi saya dapati teori yang dikemuka oleh Bloom adalah yang paling praktik samada mengajar seni atau lain-lain..
Tc Liew Perhaps I would like to opened the discussion into boarder scope where by i will touch on the learning theories. As what we have understood, learning processes touch on the psychology of learners therefore learning in short is a piece of "interaction" or "experience" perform and gain from designed instructional. In short it has 3 main philosophical frameworks (how the brain function?) namely cognitive (frontal integrative cortex as domian), behaviorism (sensory and postsensory as domian) and constructivism (almost touch on both frontal cortex and rear cortex of our brain); it based on few recent research project done by Professor James E. Zull (The Art of Charging the Brain 2002)(still can't get in local bookstore), Professor James Elkins (Why Art Cannot Be Taught 2001), Paul Eickmann (Designing Learning 2002) and Dr. Tan Wee Chuen (Instructional Design in multimedia [visual and interactivity] approaches [PhD thesis UTM and NTU Sg.] 2008?) and i believed still have others into it. One might ask, what is those researchers try to show? Zull make the relationship between learning process and brain cycle (functions) further Zull emphasis that emotional (the limbic system) centralised the interconnection of brain cycle; Elkins point out the contemporary art education based on technique or vocational approaches; Eickmann compared Arts Education and Management Education; proven that art students based on "demonstration (reflective observation)—practice (abstract conceptualisation)—production (active experimentation)—critique (concrete experience)" in their learning, it again suggested natural brain cycle; Dr. Tan thesis shows the effectiveness of visual impact in learning processes. In conclusion, based on Zull, Elkins, Eickmann and Dr. Tan's research show student exposed more based on the "experiences" with the teachers and the delivered lessons. That means each of the students will get different "experiences" based on their learning properties either thinking oriented or doing oriented and others domain. But we should justify Bloom Taxonomy's 6 stages cognitive as you have mentioned, able to touch the cognitive of the students or teachers? "This taxonomy of learning behaviors can be thought of as 'the goals of the learning process.' That is, after a learning episode, the learner should have acquired new skills, knowledge, and/or attitudes." quoted from the URL, it emphasis on 1. “the goals of the learning process.” = means the outcome of learning processes; 2. "after a learning episode" = means Bloom is a set of evaluation of how we teach? how the student perceive the designed and expected materials? Based on "designed and expected", it will lead to the question of; how many possibility that we expected of the students outcome? Most of the designed syllabus are linear and single expected learning outcome and especially in local studio teaching; rare to get varied patterns of students' outcomes. As simple as, if the particular lecturer majoring certain style and approach of art making consequently majority of his students will celebrate the same particular approach and style; means lecturer produced silk-screen print of local bumiputera figures so the students will produced images of chinese figures. If we have predicted varied potential outcomes or patterns based on students learning properties, it might opened the potential of making; student will be more happy and feel proud to pondering something that they comfortable in, especially in undergraduate level. And i believed that contemporary instructional design researchers have discovered the evolve of information technology (this is not only rely on the physical form of computer but the revolved information) where things getting "transparent and lucid" in the sense of perceiving and delivering the information (knowledge) therefore most of them pondering into the interaction of brain; searching for the biological/nonscientific reasons of learning. There are no single theory to "lead" the world, perhaps En. Hassan can look into both before and after instructional design connection based on different approaches. For my choices, Experiential Learning Theory help me to understand the need of my students and Bloom it help me to evaluation the teaching. cheer!
Selasa pada pukul 4.16 ptg · Suka
Tc Liew happy evolving..
Selasa pada pukul 4.17 ptg · Suka
Hassan Mohd Ghazali Tc Liew: Very long explanation about the theory of learning... Ok bagus juga... dalam pengajaran sebenarnya teori adalah landasan atau kita katakan sebagai 'back bone' bagi menentukan bahawa pengajaran dan pembelajaran mempunyai kesan. Seperti saya katakan banyak teori pembelajaran yang berasaskan teori-teori pembelajaran behaviorisme, sosial dan kognitif adalah menjadi tunjang dalam teori-teori lain. Menurut ahli-ahli psikologi behavioral, pembelajaran adalah perubahan tingkah laku yang berlaku dalam diri seseorang individu yang disebabkan oleh pengalaman. Dalam pembelajaran seni dikaitkan dengan 'pengalaman seni'. Teori pembelajaran sosial (social learning theory) yang diasaskan oleh Albert Bandura. Teori pembelajaran sosial ini telah dinamakan semula sebagai “Teori kognitif sosial” oleh Bandura sendiri. Teori pembelajaran sosial menyatakan bahawa faktor-faktor sosial, kognitif dan tingkah laku memainkan peranan penting dalam pembelajaran. Teori pembelajaran sosial menganggap manusia sebagai makhluk yang aktif, berupaya membuat pilihan dan menggunakan proses-proses perkembangan untuk memperihalkan peristiwa serta berkomunikasi dengan orang lain. Paling menarik dalam teori ini ialahbeliau juga mengemukakan teori pembelajaran peniruan.. paling sesuai dalam pembelajaran seni...Ahli psikologi kognitif berpendapat bahawa pembelajaran adalah proses mental yang aktif untuk mendapatkan, menyimpan, mengingat dan menggunakan ilmu. Fokus kajian ahli psikologi kognitif ialah terhadap proses aktif minda individu untuk memahami persekitarannya. Apapun pembelajaran dan pembelajaran boleh menggunakan semua teori itu. Sutu lagi teori 'Multiple Intelligences' Howard Gardner yang telah menggabungkan kedua-dua teori itu dan teori ini sangat menarik digunakan sebagai mengelasifikasikan kebolehan manusia dan sebenarnya dalam dunia pendidikan kita berlu menerima pelbagai intelligen seseorang itu samada kebolehan visual, muzik interpesonal dll. Masa kini teori kontraktivisme sangat popular digunakan sebab ada unsur mengaitkan pengalaman lampau digunakan utk pembelajaran dan pelajar diberi peluang untuk konstrak. Semasa saya membuat sarjana multimedia di Pusat Teknologi dan Multimedia USM saya gunakan teori Pemprosesan Maklumat.... wooo banyak perkara kalau nak cakap tentang teori pembelajaran... tapi paling penting ialah amalan bilik darjah... kesan terhadap pengajaran yang dilakukan....Dalam Pendidikan Seni paling penting kita kena tahu DBAE dalam amalan P&P seni.....
Semalam pada pukul 3.13 pagi · Suka · 4 orang
Tc Liew Dear Hassan Mohd Ghazali, very interesting point that i have mentioned, which is the core intention of many contructivism learning theory, like what we have mentioned. The experience, as in my way of phasing; i will like to refer it as interaction/experience. Therefore the "before and after" is very important; just based on my experience in previous college; most of the teaching personal emphasis on the outcome of the teaching (the after) but how about "the before" the design and the expectation. Perhaps this will make them think teaching has the by default approach; it will limit the potential of making and control the "freedom of making" in student's project unconsciously. Meaning the freedom to experience the teaching. This phenomenal is similar fashion of what i have shared on above post; student did whatever the lecturer did. If this is happened, how we able to flourishing the coming generation. Sad to see that. The discussion getting interesting. So far we reach a point that; even though we shared preferences theories but we realised that EXPERIENCE (refer to both teacher and student in equal state) is very important in teaching. (1) Therefore it go back to the very beginning of "the before and the after" of teaching or in my term as interaction of teacher and student; what is your say? (2) Anyway I have never exposed to DBAE, can you share more? It will bring this discussion into very fruitful outcome. Thanks again for your sharing En Hassan. ;)
Semalam pada pukul 3.58 pagi · Suka
Tc Liew correction: "very interesting point that *You have mentioned,"
18 jam yang lalu · Suka
Hassan Mohd Ghazali Thanks TC liew... sebenarnya perkongsian ilmu sebegini mematangkan kita dalam akedemik, lebih-lebih lagi dalam bidang seni visual yang jarang sekali orang mahu berbincang hal-hal berkaitan teori. Mereka lebih suka membincangkan persoalan te...
Lihat seterusnya..
10 jam yang lalu · Tidak suka · Seorang
Norazlan Ahmad En. Hassan Mohd Ghazali dan Tc Liew saya sangat suka perbincangan akademik begini di artgeng. sangat membina. terima kasih
10 jam yang lalu · Suka · 3 orang
Norazlan Ahmad terima kasih juga kepada cik Illa Juwork kerana timbulkan isu ini
8 jam yang lalu · Suka
Illa Juwork sama cikgu Norazlan Ahmad..saya berkongsi maklumat yang saya temui....kemudian dengar dan belajar melalu perbincangan dari yang lebih arif..... :)
8 jam yang lalu · Suka
Hassan Mohd Ghazali Kemahiaran berkarya yang dapat dikaitkan dengan teori Bloom:¬e_id=177368992321980
7 jam yang lalu · Suka · Seorang
Illa Juwork terima kasih en.Hassan Hassan Mohd Ghazali...ilmu tuan sangat berguna pada kami yang baru melangkah ke arah ini......:)
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